
Thursday, July 25, 2013


Lots of qualities and habits got lost over the generations. There are habits which we are glad to be gone, like intolerance of different cultures, but there are also qualities and habits which I would appreciate more nowadays, like, my topic of today, RESPECT.

Nowadays, respect is everything else than well-practised. I don't want to talk about the respect itself much, I just want to talk about what this respectless society causes...

The only way to get respect is to go and get it. Do something for it. Everyone wants respect. Everyone wants to be able to say their opinion without getting rejected and bullied. Respect means giving someone the chance to say their opinion, respect means to treat someone the way you want to be treated and respect means to treat every person equal and human. Thats what I think. So its no surprise everyone wants respect. There are people who go and get their respect and there are people who dont. The people who get respect mostly have to get it in a rude way, which frightens some to the thought they are not important as they dont get respect, while the harsh people do. Now the same situation makes the harsh people think they are something better, so they treat others as if they were something worse. And what started in a normal want of respect ended in bullying. Try to give respect and kindness to the world, it's running out of it.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

How To Live

Hii :) I just got another mail from my friend, who regulary sends me awesome mails of articles he read, anyway he asked me to do a kind of review/comment on it what I think about it and I think I did a pretty good job so I am putting it up here.

The dark blue text is the article and the green text is my comment.

1. The only person that can ever truly make you happy is 
yourself. Stop depending on everyone else.

1. there are special situations in life, in which u truly depend on someone, for example true love. where u cant quite live without a special person.

2. People lie, stuff happens. Don’t take it too personally.

2. well if my boyfriend betrays me - dont take it too personally ? i dont know. i think this point is only right for the people who are not too close to you like people from your job or so. when its about a very close friend, someone from ur family or ur boyfriend/girlfriendvits ur job as a human being to take in personally ! lol

3. Want people to think you’re amazing? Start believing you are, and then they will too.

3. the aim is not to make others believe u r amazing. the aim is self confidence and it should never come from what other people think of u. even if u think about urself that u r amazing there is no guirantee that they r thinking so then too. if a girl comes to you who thinks she is awesome and is unfriendly to you will you also think she is awesome?

4. Smiling is the ultimate anti-depressant. Smile and laugh out loud, it doesn’t look stupid, I promise. 

4. as long as the smile is there to fight depression and not to hide it, i 100%ly agree.

5. The world is never just black and white, right or wrong, one way or another. Try and see things from as many points of view as possible. 

5. well this is very important, because it opens u the door of understanding, the problem is just that if you have to make a decision it is much harder to see it from many points of views because all views have their pro and con and its just hard to decide with 10 ways instead of 2. but probably in the other 8 ways there is a perfect way for you. so do think of things from different points of views but dont overthink it and get confused.

6. "Let everything happen to you 
Beauty and terror 
Just keep going 
No feeling is final" 
 Rainer Maria Rilke

6. awesome chosen quote.

7. Have empathy.

8. Gossip, problems of the past, events you cannot control, negative thoughts and negative people; time spent on these is time poorly wasted. 

7+8. total agreement

9. When you're jealous or find yourself filled with hate for someone/something, stop. The only person its hurting is you.

9. well its hard to just stop feeling. as u cant just stop to love someone u cant just stop to hate someone either. stopping in this case would most probably cause inner depression and pretention. jealousity in general: have ur own aims have ur own goals which u want to archieve and clfocus on ur own path, because sitting aside and watching the others succeed and being jealous will not bring you anywhere. know what your aims are and focus on archieving them, nothing else. and hate: if you hate a person or a person makes u unhappy, just try to avoid them, its all u can do. fact is there are people on earth who are driving us crazy (in a negative way) u cannot change them. either u try to talk and make peace between u and if this doesnt work u can only avoid that person.

10. Although the newest, most expensive material things may make you feel as if you’re a better person, they won’t hold you at night or listen to you when you need it. Make sure your priorities make sense.

10. again total agreement.

11. Step outside your comfort zone- it’s when you’ll really feel alive.

11. well ... hmmm ... yeah ... in a case its right. if you always do those things u already know u will never find out something new, but its important to do that if u want it in my opinion, there are days where the power for outside of the comfort zones is just not there and also some comfort is not bad. i would say, dont be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, to try something new, but its always good to come home and back to the things we are used to, too. it is important to switch.

12. Don’t be afraid to be yourself, the people who really matter, don’t mind.

12. true

13. Let your emotions out sometimes, humans have them for a reason.

13. 100% agreed !! its not good to pretend to be someone u are not. it feels better to be liked by a few for something u are than being liked by many for something u are not.

14. Celebrate the things you have. Think only positively of the things you don’t (but would like to have) and they too will come.

14. again very true !

15. Love unconditionally ♥.

15. love truly and from ur heart!
follow ur love and dont hide it!
love unconditionally!
and dont let anyone tell u how to love or live, because u are the only person who knows it ;) !!♥

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Love: Why It's So Hard To Speak Out Love

Some time ago, I got a mail from my nice friend +Nikhil Tapadia. It's an article which inspired me to go on with that topic, well first the article. It's genious in my opinion, I agree to it:

Love: Why It's So Hard To Speak Out Love: Many of us has played role of "Secret Lovers" This Article Is
Dedicated to that "Secret Lover" Inside You... I find o...

well, this is it. And I completely agreed, but there is something not included into the article, that girls can also be secret lovers, but if the guy doesnt show them their love, they think he is too good for them and if the next idiot comes for proposing lies, the girl thinks that she cant get anything better than that idiot, so she takes him. Love is too complicated to explain. It'd just be easy if two people love each other and then they come together and stay together for the rest of their lives, but love is not easy. Life is not easy and love is an important part of our lives, even if we don't notice it or don't want to accept it.

Life is hard. Sometimes easy. Sometimes everything is working of its own volition. And sometimes you are working hard and long and life still works very slow. It's just something to deal with, and sometimes, boys and girls it's good to vault your shadow and talk to the one you love and even if they don't love back, shit happens! It's life. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, so stand up and go over it. I also live after this motto and I try, never to give up. Giving up just makes me sad haha and I don't want to let anything make me sad :P

PS: Recommending the blog "Love" by +Kedar Kafle. It's really worth a read!!


ok, a lot happened, first of all, hi guys!!! :D I missed you a lot on my sports week, I was in Großraming (Austria) with my class for one week, the last school week. We did a lot of sports and had fun, yeah. Details are not so important.

Anyway, it's SUMMER HOLIDAYS!!!! I'm soo happy! In Austria the summer holidays are long, that means I can work on my book a lot, find time for myself, stuff like that. And I thought about starting a vlog, a video blog but I am not sure, because my looks are not really good and it's one of the most important things in a video blog... Well...

I am working on several blog articles at the moment, I think some will be finished in the evening today, until then, have a nice day and stay inspired :D

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Ok thats a lot

Hello, everyone!!!
I have a flu :( It's horrible today school was a torture :/ I don't like. I don't like being ill at all. Lol who likes being ill?

Honestly, I don't want to write another random blog entry today, although the start sounded a bit as if, haha. Just a short update about myself and now coming to the point of this entry, which I don't know yet.

Mostly I start a blog entry with any topic that comes up to my mind. I am a very thoughtful person, thinking is my hobby no. 1. I always think, but when I say my thoughts as they are to girls at my age, they are just like "dafuq did u say??".... Yeah.... That's why I love blogger. At the moment I am looking for nice blogs to visit, I prefer random blogs, cooking and baking blogs, styling blogs (I am just a girl either...) and thinking blogs, but my english is not the best so I prefer such thinking blogs in german. Or probably by someone who doesn't talk english as his/her mother language, who doesn't speak english so well, but can't keep him/herself from writing down the thoughts. If it's in easy english, I will understand, but sometimes I run into english blogs where I don't understand a single word... Ok I am carrying it to excess.... but anyway, if you know any good blogs or maybe your own one, I appreciate suggestions in the comments.

Ok, back to topic. I recently changed the layout of my blog again. Not completely, but I changed some details and I am trying to add some images, to give my blog more attraction ;)

Ok and finally my last topic to this blog entry. Some time ago (about 10 minutes) I replied to a blog post of my favourite discussion partner (:D lol) +Shivam Singhal his blog is about religion, he was talking about islam (not in an non-offending way) and I couldn't control myself from writing that....

Anyway, I want to repost this here, this is his post:

and this is my reply:

I was three times about to fall my chair from your way of expression.
i cant say about the terrorism part so much, honestly i want to wait with reconnecting with this topic when i have finished the politics part of my book, because i cant learn about everything at once.
this at first
next thing:
islamic prayer... well... god is the allmighty and so on... AND have you ever heard a muslim say to another: "make duah for this bad person" ? it means to pray for them. it means to mention them in ur prayers and to ask allah to help them. YES WOW MUSLIMS DO THAT TOO!! i wont comment on the thing with mecca and asses its a ritual lol
please dont tell me muslim are the main problem in the world peace concept - we can stand forever fighting about who kills more people: society ignorance, islam or whoever judged persons on earth!!!! OR we are trying to face the problems and trying to solve them. BECAZ that is the only way to get world peace. NOT abolishing any religion or country or whatever (we could also say yeah lets just throw a atom bomb on all the islamic countries and kill the innocents with the guilty lets kill the cowd for the mistakes of a few. SURE. i am not gonna let this happen.)
i just want to say
its simply stupid to say that lol sorry
but its all i can add to no. 7

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

My Book

Hello! Today I want to talk about my book, just a little haha I wont tell you anything about the storyline ;)

With my book I want to describe the issues of the world from the view of everyone. There are 4 main characteres, 3 of them are especially used as narrators of the story (the book does not tell a first person-narrative, it's told from the view of a few persons. I switch the person about every or every second clause. Why? It's easy. I want to tell a story about some countries with some issues, like for example war, but I don't want to tell a really political story. 1. Who would read a book with political facts about countries which don't even exist? and 2. I wouldn't even write such a book! haha

The main point of my book is against prejudice. Against judging one person by a group of people, that person belongs to. And I am not talking about gangs or organisations, I am not talking about an own decision to enter stuff like gangs and so on. If someone enters a gang or group or anything according to special conditions, which you know and disagree, yeah it's not bad to judge there. I am not even saying that judging is bad, but I think it is important to try to imagine you being the other person. No one will ever know what goes on in the heart of others, in this world full of pretenders, surrenders and a few rebels still standing against the majority, which is called stupid people. Judging is human. We judge situations, if it's dangerous or not, but what I mean is something different, I don't know how to explain...

Huh I spent one paragraph of my blog article on what my book is not about?? Ok now comes the actual topic:

It's about prejudice for things, people can't change. I don't want to tell anyone how to judge others, I just want to bring out the point that everyone has a story, everyone has a life. And as long as you haven't walked their way in their shoes, don't say anything bad about them. Especially not behind their back. This starts in school with cliques, goes to high school with mobbing and to work or college with a kind of racism that you've never seen before. I don't know, i am 14 years old, how it was in the 60s, 70s, 80s it's not my generation, ok in the 80s yeah there it started I guess, actually sooner, I don't even want to discuss when it started and how it started, i just want to discuss how it is now.

For example: Affrican Americans were bullied because they were considered as poor, criminal and dangerous. Of course most people nowadays (including me) see these foreigners not really as foreigners anymore. There are still people who think, foreigners are dangerous, but a boy born in the UK or Germany or the USA or Austria doesn't differ from other boys in the inside. Nowadays, Muslim girls are bullied because they are wearing hijab, for example. That comes from the terrorismic general view of Islam. I once read about a girl of the USA, who was trying to live a normal life there, going to school and trying to practise her religion, the Islam, as much as possible. She has always been bullied by others. Even one day they threw eggs on the house of her parents and wrote on the garage door with big, red graffiti letters: "GET OUT TERRORISTS". I don't really know why. She is just a girl like every other. All difference is, that she is in Islam, but in her heart she doesn't differ much from every other clever girl, who is born in christianity. Except one thing. She might have a heart, contrary to some other ignorant human beings on earth.

And there are Muslims who are killing people. So aren't there Christians killing people?? If I take some Muslim, some African Americans and some Christians, if I take all misjudged human species of earth and put their skeletons together, they don't really differ in the fundamentals. And if I take the hearts and souls of all people and put them together, they will all differ from another!! If you look at the inside of a human you won't be able to recognize that person as from a special country, or belonging to a special religion or whatever!! So I am not saying: Muslim do mistakes, men do mistakes, so let them be, I am just saying, if we are complaining about problems, let's search the solution together and not call one group of people to account and just put them away and hope it will get better. That is impossible anyway, but on schools some students can put another student away just with words. And it doesn't stop. So every country has their problems, some with money, some with abidance by the human rights and some with agriculture. So how about working together instead of making it worse and worse and even worse? Of course this will never happen. The pride is too high.

Well it's again actually just another impossible dream by me.

Ohh actually I wanted to talk about my book.... oopsie... Well, my dream is hitting the impulse, in which I am writing this book pretty well. Anyway I am not going to talk about my book anymore. If it gets good it will be translated, I show you where to buy it and you can read it if you are interested :)
Lilly :D

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Solutions, and Advice about my Book?

Heyy :D I was just on net and spontanously wrote "nothing" into the youtube search box. Do it too, the result is beautiful (codeword: the script). Some of you might already know. :D

Sometimes I just don't understand. For usual, when I don't understand a certain thing, I think about it from all views I can think of. And then I start to figure out, why, how but mainly WHY??!!

But when I don't understand something, no matter how often I think about the different views.... I don't know. That really never happened to me. Except with electricity, but honestly: who really understands what electric current actually is at my age? It is very hard to understand for me, but I am not so interested in physics, if I was, I would study and some day maybe be able to imagine what it is. Anyway, what I am talking about is more about social things, it starts in my classroom, where I am thinking about an issue of for example 3 people in all 3 views of them and then I mostly understand, what is going wrong and try to come up with a solution. Sadly most people ignore me talking about psychology and stuff like that so.... lol their problem if they don't want to listen me I can't help them.

Anyway I like listening, understanding and also figuring out solutions, if you tell me now, get a psychiatrist, I can only shake my head... I thought about that for some time, but there is enough I have to manage and overcome myself, it might not be much for you, but every human is different - I am a very sensitive one. But I don't really want to get one of those people asking for 100$ per hour (I think it's much more but it's not my buisness I am not sure haha) for sitting on a chair, listening someone and helping his problems and so on. Sure, I want to help people with their problems, but not for money and not as main occupation.

Yeah, however. And one question: how do you think about books with made up locations, but acute political issues and realistic stories included? And is it right in this case to focus on the storyline, characters and feelings of the persons instead of the political facts, which are all made up anyway? I think that is the best solution. Who would read a book about politics and wars if the facts in it are all made up? I think it's better to focus on the storyline of the persons, the destinies and so on.... the feelings.... yeah as I said...

Whoa this was getting a long blog entry!! :o hope people will read it anyway! haha :D
Have a nice day!!!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Whats new Pussycat?

So this is my first update blog entry, I think my first official one. I would like to give my blog a new design a new look, if you understand. Something more attractive but I will mainly change the colour and header picture. The layout will most likely remain and maybe you also noticed that I am tidying up my labels (that was pure chaos haha) and I try to get some order in it to make it easier for visitors also to go through my blog by labels of their interest and so on...

I also looked up my drafts and the articles I wrote there, such as Acne Coverage and Make-Up and Criticising the School System. Indeed, I didn't write these whole things now LOL there were only a few final words missing so I added these and published. The biggest part of these two blog posts have been written about a week ago.

Ok what else is new? Oh right my toe. It was broken, some of you might have seen the post of my toe before I deleted it, for those who haven't: it looked bad. And the next day it looked even worse. So my mum took me to the hospital and turned out it was broken. It was not completely parted, but there was a crack in my bone. That was about two weeks ago. And yesterday a classmate has put his chair on my toe and sat on it!!! Dx these people -.-

ok ok so my first update is done. Updates are for my personal life, to get to know a bit about me and so on yeah.... :P have a nice day!!!

Criticising the School System

I think that if you start soon enough with working on your interest labels, you can get a well-paid job in these labels, no matter how many people are needed in that label. If you start to increase your knowledge as a child or young girl/boy you will soon become a genious about that topic.

Most schools don't really support children who want to know about one special topic. General knowledge is the most important thing on schools nowadays. And of course, it is important, but lot's of children have to practise their abilities in their free time and if these children have school until evening, how is that possible?

For example me. I am 14 and I go to secondary school, I am in the last year. I am now interested in politics and economy and languages especially. My interest goes also to the nature and natural sciences, but a big hole in my interest (and talent also :P) is maths. So what do I have to do? I think you would say focus on your talents, try to get best and leave maths. But nooo the schools say focus on maths and get on the same level as your talents. I think that is impossible anyway.

You know I can hardly understand those people who get the best marks in all subjects. I mean they can't be talented everywhere can they? And it's about always learning always studying anyway! They hardly have any free time! I mean if I was one of those girls who always study and just study study I wouldn't write this blog. There would be no time to. And this blog belongs to one of my hobbies hence I would even call it one of my talents. So sacrificing my talents for good marks? For getting a good job and being able to feed your kids? But how will there be specialists if there is no talent? No mellow talent? Is it all about studying, all about learning? Did even interest stop being important for these things? If it did, then where are we heading into?

I will definitely not sacrifice any hobbies or talents just for school, a place hated by thousands and loved only by a few.

Acne Coverage and Make-Up

I just watched a video about a girl talking about Acne coverage and make up.
The girl said:

"The people who always tell you "omg why do you wear make up? If I was you I wouldn't wear make-up. That is a vicious circle, it will just get worse (...)" are mostly those people who don't have problems with acne themselves. And that's when I just think "... common just shut up you can't even talk about that topic through experience!" of course, without make-up is better for the skin, because most make-ups include silicons and so on... of course it is better for the skin, but I think what mainly matters is the quality of life! I mean, you already suffer from your bad skin and I think if you sometimes cover your skin completely, so that it is fully covered and looks perfect, why not? A few times you can do it, can't you?"

Well I agree on some points. She also added after this how important it is to put off the make-up before going to bed and so on, but that is not the point I want to write about now.

Of course it is not bad to put on make-up. It is a blessing for everyone, not to have pimples or having natural beauty, but for me, everyone is perfect as they are. I don't care about make-up or not make-up (my personal decision is not make-up and I sometimes get pimples ;) haha) but the thing that matters is the inside of a human. That is also the use of Hijab or Niqab, to make the humans look at the inside of someone and not just at the figure, at the skin, at the legs, ... the thing is that everyone is perfect and trying to make yourself more beautiful doesn't make real sense I think. Not even for the boys. I mean I don't want to marry someone who only loves me because my skin looks perfect, when I put off my make-up he will get a heart attack! lol

I mean, just the name of that thing called make-up, it says everything!
Make up the beauty.
Make up the perfection.
Make it up and be happy, be loved for something you made up.

I would better be hated for something I am, than being loved for something I am not. This is my decision.

Ok I think that is enough from my side, how do you think about it? Is it good to fully cover your skin with make-up? And what is the higher sense behind your decision? Write it in the comments! :) thank you :D
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